
class maze.core.wrappers.maze_gym_env_wrapper.GymActionConversion(env: gym.Env)

A dummy conversion interface asserting that the action is packed into a dictionary space.


env – Gym environment.

create_action_hash(action: Any) → Union[int, str]

An integer representation of the action.

maze_to_space(maze_action: Any) → Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]

(overrides ActionConversionInterface)

Converts environment MazeAction to agent action.

param maze_action

the environment MazeAction.


the agent action.

space() → gym.spaces.Dict

(overrides ActionConversionInterface)

Returns respective gym action space.

space_to_maze(action: Dict[str, numpy.ndarray], maze_state: Any) → Any

(overrides ActionConversionInterface)

Converts agent action to environment MazeAction.

param action

the agent action.

param maze_state

the environment state.


the environment MazeAction.