
class maze.core.agent.torch_policy.TorchPolicy(networks: Mapping[Union[str, int], torch.nn.Module], distribution_mapper: maze.distributions.distribution_mapper.DistributionMapper, device: str, substeps_with_separate_agent_nets: Optional[List[Union[int, str]]] = None)

Encapsulates multiple torch policies along with a distribution mapper for training and rollouts in structured environments.

  • networks – Mapping of policy networks to encapsulate

  • distribution_mapper – Distribution mapper associated with the policy mapping.

  • device – Device the policy should be located on (cpu or cuda)

compute_action(observation: Dict[str, numpy.ndarray], maze_state: Optional[Any] = None, env: Optional[maze.core.env.base_env.BaseEnv] = None, actor_id: maze.core.env.structured_env.ActorID = None, deterministic: bool = False) → Dict[str, Union[int, numpy.ndarray]]

(overrides Policy)

implementation of Policy

compute_policy_output(record: maze.core.trajectory_recording.records.structured_spaces_record.StructuredSpacesRecord, temperature: float = 1.0)maze.core.agent.torch_policy_output.PolicyOutput

Compute the full Policy output for all policy networks over a full (flat) environment step.

  • record – The StructuredSpacesRecord holding the observation and actor ids.

  • temperature – Optional, the temperature to use for initializing the probability distribution.


The full Policy output for the record given.

compute_substep_policy_output(observation: Dict[str, numpy.ndarray], actor_id: maze.core.env.structured_env.ActorID = None, temperature: float = 1.0)maze.core.agent.torch_policy_output.PolicySubStepOutput

Compute the full output of a specified policy.

  • observation – The observation to use as input.

  • actor_id – Optional, the actor id specifying the network to use.

  • temperature – Optional, the temperature to use for initializing the probability distribution.


The computed PolicySubStepOutput.

compute_top_action_candidates(observation: Dict[str, numpy.ndarray], num_candidates: Optional[int], maze_state: Optional[Any], env: Optional[maze.core.env.base_env.BaseEnv], actor_id: maze.core.env.structured_env.ActorID = None) → Tuple[Sequence[Dict[str, Union[int, numpy.ndarray]]], Sequence[float]]

(overrides Policy)

implementation of Policy


(overrides TorchModel)

implementation of TorchModel

load_state_dict(state_dict: Dict)None

(overrides TorchModel)

implementation of TorchModel


(overrides Policy)

This policy does not require the state() object to compute the action.

network_for(actor_id: Optional[maze.core.env.structured_env.ActorID])torch.nn.Module

Helper function for returning a network for the given policy ID (using either just the sub-step ID or the full Actor ID as key, depending on the separated agent networks mode.


actor_id – Actor ID to get a network for


Network corresponding to the given policy ID.

parameters() → List[torch.Tensor]

(overrides TorchModel)

implementation of TorchModel

seed(seed: int)None

(overrides Policy)

This is done globally

state_dict() → Dict

(overrides TorchModel)

implementation of TorchModel

to(device: str)None

(overrides TorchModel)

implementation of TorchModel


(overrides TorchModel)

implementation of TorchModel