
pip To install Maze with pip, run:

pip install -U maze-rl


Pip does not install PyTorch, you need to make sure it is available in your Python environment.


Maze is compatible with Python 3.7 to 3.9. We encourage you to start with Python 3.7, as many popular environments like Atari or Box2D can not easily be installed in newer Python environments. If you use a Python 3.9 environment, you might need to install a few additional dependencies because of this OpenAI gym issue (for Debian systems sudo apt install libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev, more info on building pillow)

rllib If you want to use RLLib it in combination with Maze, optionally install it with:

pip install ray[rllib]==1.4.1 tensorflow

(Installing RLlib is only required if you would like to use the Maze RLlib Runner)

github To install the bleeding-edge development version from github, first clone the repo.

git clone
cd maze

Finally, install the project with pip in development mode and you are ready to start developing.

pip install -e .

Alternatively you can install with pip directly from the GitHub repository

pip install git+