Tensorboard and Command Line Logging

This page gives a brief overview of the Tensorboard and command line logging facilities of Maze. We will show examples based on the cutting-2D Maze environment to make things a bit more interesting.

To understand the underlying concepts we recommend to read the sections on event and KPI logging as well as on the Maze event system.

Tensorboard Logging

To watch the training progress with Tensorboard start it by running:

tensorboard --logdir outputs/

and view it with your browser at http://localhost:6006/.

You will get an output similar to the one shown in the image below.


To keep everything organized and avoid having to browse through tons of pages we group the contained items into semantically connected sections:

  • Since Maze allows you to use different environments for training and evaluation, each logging section has a train_ or eval_ prefix to show if the corresponding stats were logged as part of the training or the evaluation environment.

  • The BaseEnvEvents sections (i.e., eval_BaseEnvEvents and train_BaseEnvEvents contain general statistics such as rewards or step counts. This section is always present, independent of the environment used.

  • Other sections are specific to the environment used. In the example above, these are the CuttingEvents and the InventoryEvents.

  • In addition, we get one additional section containing stats of the trainer used, called train_NameOfTrainerEvents. It contains statistics such as policy loss, gradient norm or value loss. This section is not present for the evaluation environment.

The gallery below shows some additional useful examples and features of the Maze Tensorboard log (click the images to display them in large).

Logging of component specific events
in the SCALARS tab.
(Useful for understanding the environment)
Logging of the training command and the complete
hydra job config in the TEXT tab.
(Useful for reproducing experiments)
in the IMAGE tab.
(Useful for understanding the agent’s behaviour)
(Useful for analysing observations)

Command Line Logging

Whenever you start a training run you will also get a command line output similar to the one shown below. Analogously to the Tensorboard log, Maze distinguishes between train and eval outputs and groups the items into semantically connected output blocks.

 step|path                                                                        |               value
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..time_rollout          ······················|               1.091
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..learning_rate         ······················|               0.000
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..policy_loss           0                     |              -0.000
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..policy_grad_norm      0                     |               0.001
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..policy_entropy        0                     |               1.593
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..policy_loss           1                     |              -0.000
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..policy_grad_norm      1                     |               0.008
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..policy_entropy        1                     |               0.295
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..critic_value          0                     |              -0.199
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..critic_value_loss     0                     |             116.708
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..critic_grad_norm      0                     |               0.500
    1|train     MultiStepActorCritic..time_update           ······················|               1.642
    1|train     DiscreteActionEvents  action                substep_0/piece_idx   |  [len:4000, μ:54.8]
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                median_step_count     |             200.000
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                mean_step_count       |             200.000
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                total_step_count      |            4000.000
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                total_episode_count   |              20.000
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                episode_count         |              20.000
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                std                   |               1.465
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                mean                  |             -71.950
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                min                   |             -75.000
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                max                   |             -70.000
    1|train     DiscreteActionEvents  action                substep_1/order       |   [len:4000, μ:0.5]
    1|train     DiscreteActionEvents  action                substep_1/rotation    |   [len:4000, μ:0.5]
    1|train     InventoryEvents       piece_replenished     mean_episode_total    |              71.950
    1|train     InventoryEvents       pieces_in_inventory   step_max              |             163.000
    1|train     InventoryEvents       pieces_in_inventory   step_mean             |              69.946
    1|train     CuttingEvents         valid_cut             mean_episode_total    |             200.000
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         kpi                   max/raw_piece_usage_..|               0.375
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         kpi                   min/raw_piece_usage_..|               0.350
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         kpi                   std/raw_piece_usage_..|               0.007
    1|train     BaseEnvEvents         kpi                   mean/raw_piece_usage..|               0.360
Time required for epoch: 19.43s
Update epoch - 1
 step|path                                                                        |               value
    2|eval      DiscreteActionEvents  action                substep_0/piece_idx   |   [len:800, μ:53.2]
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         reward                median_step_count     |             200.000
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         reward                mean_step_count       |             200.000
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         reward                total_step_count      |            1600.000
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         reward                total_episode_count   |               8.000
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         reward                episode_count         |               4.000
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         reward                std                   |               1.414
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         reward                mean                  |             -71.000
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         reward                min                   |             -73.000
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         reward                max                   |             -69.000
    2|eval      DiscreteActionEvents  action                substep_1/order       |    [len:800, μ:0.5]
    2|eval      DiscreteActionEvents  action                substep_1/rotation    |    [len:800, μ:0.5]
    2|eval      InventoryEvents       piece_replenished     mean_episode_total    |              71.000
    2|eval      InventoryEvents       pieces_in_inventory   step_max              |             145.000
    2|eval      InventoryEvents       pieces_in_inventory   step_mean             |              68.031
    2|eval      CuttingEvents         valid_cut             mean_episode_total    |             200.000
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         kpi                   max/raw_piece_usage_..|               0.365
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         kpi                   min/raw_piece_usage_..|               0.345
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         kpi                   std/raw_piece_usage_..|               0.007
    2|eval      BaseEnvEvents         kpi                   mean/raw_piece_usage..|               0.355

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